Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Our R&D focus
Pursuing innovation, in the service of excellence.

R&D mission

Investing in our portfolio of solutions for the energy transition

As decarbonization turns out to be the key driver of innovation in our industry, technology represents a critical enabler. Our ambition is to increasingly optimize the efficiency of our solutions, focusing on electrification and renewable energy. Nonetheless, the energy transition in buildings will be accelerated by the adoption of a multi-technological approach, with different solutions fitting different contexts and development stages.
Heat pump in place
Heat pump in place
Heat pump in place
Heat pump in place
Water heater in place
Water heater in place
We have explored low-impact alternatives to further stretch and improve our product range,  progressively facilitating the installed park efficiency. Our R&D efforts focus on natural refrigerant heat pumps, hybrids, air handling and domestic ventilation units, as well as Demand Response and Home Energy Management technologies, electronics, connectivity, and digitalization.

our footprint

Operating through 29 centers of excellence in 15 countries 

Our network of R&D facilities, which are distributed across geographies and centrally managed, provide dedicated support to our manufacturing footprint, effectively driving our product roadmap.

assets of excellence

Relying on technical equipment and human resources of excellence

Engineers at work
Engineers at work
Our facilities leverage an advanced technical infrastructure, to support all phases of the R&D process: from tools for concept design to advanced 3D CAD design facilities, from prototyping workshops to measurement laboratories, from performance to life test systems that reproduce the most extreme operating conditions. In parallel, as competencies provide the foundation for innovation thinking, we have increasingly strengthened our team of highly qualified professionals and are dedicated to new skills development, to stay at the forefront of industry’s evolution.
Snow room
Snow room
Semi-anechoic room
Semi-anechoic room
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Testing solutions performance under various indoor and outdoor conditions, from air temperature to relative humidity to water temperature, also simulating extreme scenarios, with outdoor air temperatures as low as -20°C and humidity levels up to 100%.
heat pump detail
heat pump detail
Snow room
Snow room
Semi-anechoic room
Semi-anechoic room
Measuring level of noise and quality of sound produced by heat pumps, also analyzing direction, vibrations emitted and different materials characteristics.
Semi-anechoic room
Semi-anechoic room
Fully dedicated to hydrogen technologies. Activities performed enabled the production of hydrogen from photovoltaic electricity and led to the release of condensing boilers certified to work with hydrogen blends up to 100%.
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory
Featuring electronic and hydraulic systems with multiple generators and different hydraulic schemes, as well as energy managers and thermoregulation accessories, to test solutions simulating real installation.
Analyzing the electromagnetic emissions of heat pumps’ electrical components, to continuously improve performance and enhance stability.
Heat pump
Heat pump
Engineer in a laboratory
Engineer in a laboratory

a pool of partners

Boosting internal competencies through prestigious, external partnerships

We nurture fruitful collaborations with universities and educational institutions to enhance both access to resources and our people skills. Academic institutions are invaluable hubs of knowledge and we benefit from the continuous exchange. In parallel, we play our part in closing the gap with labor market through trainings, career opportunities, and talent scouting. 
Rendering of the visitor center
Rendering of the visitor center
Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano
Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Politecnico di Milano
Università Politecnica delle Marche

our patent strategy

Leveraging innovation as a strong competitive assets

Protecting our intellectual property is crucial for maintaining a strong competitive edge and fostering innovation. To safeguard our inventions, we constantly review ideas with potential for patentability and navigate the examination processes. As we manage our patent portfolio, we push the boundaries of technology while maintaining alignment with our broader business objectives. Our patent strategy development encompasses several key directions, driving our technological leadership to ensure that intellectual properties remain a valuable asset for the group.

High performance solutions
Energy efficiency and sustainability
Smart and Connected systems
Thermal energy storage, hybrid and intergrated systems and user experience