Resource circularity

We improve resource productivity and implement circularity

Our goals to 2030
We defined a structured decarbonization strategy and set ambitious targets to reduce our GHG emissions in Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3, which were validated as scientific near-term targets by Science Based Target initiative. In addition, we defined sustainable packaging standards, in order to decrease the impact of our product packaging.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 absolute GHG emissions

(2021 base year)

emission reduction
- 15% in 2023
Scope 3 GHG emissions per million-euro value added (2021 base year)
emission reduction
- 29% in 2023
energy efficiency initiatives in place by 2023
of our production facilities
100% in 2023
Supporting initiatives to be achieved by 2025
  • 100% of production plants with energy efficiency improvement initiatives in place by 2023.
  • Green energy procurement increase in key countries.
  • Zero waste to landfill, to be achieved by 2030.
  • More efficient use of water in our operations by reducing water discharge and increasing treated water to be returned into the ecosystem.
  • Assessment of the packaging recyclability levels.
energy efficiency initiatives in place by 2023
of our production facilities
100% in 2023

Supply chain

We foster a responsible supply chain

Our goals to 2030
As part of our ESG efforts, we take into consideration the environmental, social, and governance performance of our supply chain and commit to engaging our strategic supplier base on ESG-related aspects.
Aligned with our ESG journey
of our strategic suppliers
Tools in place in 2023
Industrial district
Industrial district
Aligned with our ESG journey
of our strategic suppliers
Tools in place in 2023
Logistic center
Logistic center
Supporting initiatives to be achieved by 2025
  • Setting of ESG vendor rating criteria and policy for strategic suppliers by 2023. 
  • >80% of products and services purchased from local suppliers.
  • 50% of strategic suppliers assessed on ESG performance.
Purchased from local suppliers
of products and services
70.5% in 2023
Assessed on ESG performance
of strategic suppliers
Started in 2024

how we will get there

Our policy framework

We have developed a solid framework to guide our sustainable development. Please review the policies that apply to our Operations.
Decorative image
HSE Policy
Decorative image
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Employees in a plant
Employees in a plant
Leading in the climate crisis means factoring climate risk into business strategy and actively identifying opportunities to drive change and accelerate new business models.
Raquel Espada Martin
Strategy VP Emea Energy and Sustainability Services at Schneider Electric Sustainability Business


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